Into The Wild

Simply being present in nature brings us closer to ourselves. There are frequent uncomfortable circumstances that require us to “feel” ourselves in ways conditioned homes prevent. Bug bites, rain, heat, cold and many other circumstances teach us control is an illusion. Most people try hard to get away from discomfort, but I believe healing comes from discomfort.

Nature also has a way of removing us from what we believe is ourselves. The business owner, plumber, preacher, lawyer or doctor are all equal in nature, because nature is no respecter of persons. When in nature the only thing that matters is survival. Possessions, careers, and relationships mean little unless they point to the larger scope of simply surviving.

When I head out into nature I am stepping into a primal world where I share something with my ancestors who lived thousands of years ago. With everything I need to survive on my back I move from one location to another using the oldest method of transportation; walking. Hiking slows life down and forces humans to be focused on the simple art of staying alive. In wilderness things such as cooking food, gathering water, and going to the bathroom are more difficult than at home. These tasks take me out of my comfort zone and place me where healing in my soul can happen.

Step one of the twelve steps is, “We admit we are powerless, that our habit has us whipped”. There is no more powerless feeling than a spring thunderstorm during the night. You try desperately to sleep while at the same time hoping your tent is staked out properly and there are no dead falls close by. But it doesn’t have to be as extreme as the weather, maybe its just the fact water is a 1/2 mile away from camp. In nature I just have to accept what is. I can attempt to avoid obstacles, but in the end nature will win. There is no way to control everything in nature There is no faucet, power outlet, or thermostat, just me and what I can carry.

Addiction is a place of bondage, nature is a place of freedom. Addiction tries to control what is out of control, nature shows us What is in control. Addiction destroys lives, nature shows that in every death, there is new life. Nature teaches us the power of not being in control and to embrace and love the things we can. We celebrate when we take a creek bath, or find the perfect tent spot. Nature is a place of gratitude.

Nature is where AIR takes participants to look deeply into themselves and work toward being free from addiction. Nature does the work. I chose nature because I have seen it work in my own life. I hope you will come on a trip with AIR, and set yourself free. Do not wait another day, take action today. Contact us and let us help you along your journey.