What to Expect on Expedition
AIR uses a nature immersion model. On each expedition, participants may experience a wide range of mental, physical, and spiritual challenges. Such challenges include being unplugged from technology, adjusting to life in the backcountry, occasional inclement weather, and the hard work of self-examination. However, it will be worth it. The outdoors provides a place of rest, relaxation, and stress relief.
Physical Fitness:
Each participant will hike an average of 2-3miles. The point of these hikes is to heal and be immersed in nature, not to go as far and fast as possible. All that is required is a moderate amount of physical fitness.
AIR will provide quality hiking gear and all meals for each participant. Clothing and toiletries will not be provided. To ensure the best experience each participant will be given a suggested list of items.
Expedition leaders:
Although expedition leaders are not therapists they do serve as guides. Their purpose is to walk alongside you in your outdoor experience and through your recovery journey. Expedition leaders help lead you into the wilderness found in nature, teaching you to explore the wilderness found inside your soul.